Sanguigni Pasta
Sanguigni Pasta is now located in beautiful Snowflake, Arizona
Please call us at:
928 53 NOODLE (536-6635)
1-800-41 PASTA (417-2782)
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So good, it sold out!
We continue the fine tradition of making the best ravioli you have ever eaten. Even though we no longer have a commercial retail business, we will continue to privately supply you and your family ravioli and sauces.
We've moved to the country to be better able to take advantage of the freshest and most organic ingredients available. We raise our own totally organic chickens to provide antibiotic free, cage free, and steroid free eggs. We purchased a miniature Jersey calf in 2009. She should be able to have her own calf by the end of this year. We will take full advantage of the abundant amount of milk she can produce. This type of miniature cow should produce around 24 quarts of milk per day.
Here at Sanguigni Pasta we will soon try to make our own homemade ricotta cheese. Of course, it will be free of chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics. We have also started a small flock of Jacob sheep. With these Ovine, we intend to use them for meat, and milk. We just love lamb, and for years we have wanted to make ravioli with lamb, but the cost has been prohibitive.
Keep in touch as we bring these fine products to market.